Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So An Update...

The little headache I mentioned below turned into a great migraine. My mom was laid up the entire day, feeling miserable, lightheaded, and nauseous. I felt really badly for her, coz I had had a mild migraine a few days previously.
Oh! My mom ordered her wig! She goes to pick it up March 6th! So exciting! I will be sure to post pictures, friends!
She also had her first appointment to start filling the tissue expanders with saline. She described the feeling to us like this: If you drink a glass of water, then do sit-ups or sit in a rocking chair, you can feel the water sloshing around. Imagine that on your chest! Weird...
She's decided to to the Clinical Trial approach of chemo. If I have this right, she is going to take a drug called "Avastin." They will monitor her a lot more to see the effects and such.

She's such a strong woman. I don't know if I could take all this stuff if it was me.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Everyday Pains

Today Mom has some killer migraine. I know, because I had the same kind several days ago. She feels kinda nauseous, and that's never fun.
Her tissue expanders are really near to the skin, which causes discomfort, pain, and visible bumps. She described it as, "wearing a metal bra under your skin." Ouch. That sucks.
She's a strong-willed fighter, that's for sure.
We looked at some wigs yesterday on the internet. Sounds fun, but trust me, it's not. It's kinda depressing, really.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Everything, Including This Blog, Starts At The Beginning.

My name is Laura Roberts, and I write this blog with one of the strongest women I know, my mother. Susan Roberts is a Breast Cancer Patient and this blog is all about her journey through some of the hardest times of her life.

November 26th, 2007: Mom goes to Dr. Maschman's office. The spot on her breast has been bothering her. In the past it was a cyst that was drained. It came back and started bothering her so she went to get it drained. Her August mammogram came back clear, so there was no worry at the time.
Maschman doesn't think it's a cyst and orders an ultrasound.

December 6th, 2007: Maschman's office asked Mom to come in to, "Discuss the results of her test." They diagnosed my mom with Breast Cancer.

January 16th, 2008: The mastectomy. My parents woke us up 5:00AM. We arrived, after a 50+ minute drive to Peoria, at 6:45 at OSF St. Francis Medical Center (hospital). We were sent to the waiting room and were soon joined by our friends Bill and Emily Allison and Evan Fait. We prayed over my mom and then enjoyed some early morning fellowship. They took her into surgery about 2:00PM. Lots and lots of waiting(9 hours of it) and mom was out of surgery. It wasn't till about 1:00AM till we got to see her.

January 10th, 2008: Mom came home!

Up to today: Mom is doing great. Her stitches are gone and besides just regular pain from the tissue expanders, she's back to her normal self. She meets with the oncologist February 12th and will probably begin chemo a week or two after that.

Thanks so much to everyone for your love, support, meals, gifts, cards, and most of all, PRAYER!

God bless!
